Are you thinking about getting braces in the Caldwell, NJ area? Dr. Milestone of Milestone Orthodontics says that braces have changed in recent years. Here are three facts about braces that you might find interesting:
1. There is no age limit for braces
When most people think of orthodontic braces, they think of teenagers. But an increasing amount of adults are getting braces, too. As long as your teeth and gums are healthy, Milestone Orthodontics says you could benefit from getting your teeth straightened. Clear aligner systems like Invisalign are popular choices for adults considering orthodontic treatment.
One of the most important things to consider is the state of your gums and jaw bones. If you have unhealthy gums, a lot of gum recession, or bone loss, braces may not be recommended because the pressure they put on your gums could cause unfavorable complications.
Why do people get braces in adulthood? Dr. Milestone says that some patient’s families could not afford braces when they were children. Now that they are adults, they want to improve their smile and their dental health. Some adults had braces as children or teenagers, but didn’t wear their retainers, causing their teeth to become crooked again. So make sure to wear your retainer after your braces come off.
2. Your “bite” is as important as the straightness and aesthetics of your teeth
Many people think that braces only make teeth straight. In fact, they accomplish a lot more than that. Dr. Milestone will evaluate a lot of things when you go in for your consultation. Are your teeth straight? Do they meet properly? Does your tongue stick out of your front teeth? Does your jaw hurt or click? Do you have a lot of crowding or large gaps? Have you lost all your baby teeth? Are your teeth and gums healthy? Do you have problems breathing or speaking?
One of the most important things that Dr. Milestone evaluates is your “bite.” This is the way that you’re top and bottom teeth meet when you open and close your mouth. Milestone Orthodontics is just as concerned with how your mouth functions as it is with making your teeth look great. After all, what good are straight teeth if you can’t chew or speak properly, or if you get TMJ headaches?
3. Cost and treatment times vary
Braces aren’t cheap. Milestone Orthodontics accepts many different insurances. If braces are not covered by your insurance, Milestone Orthodontics will work with you and put together a payment plan that you are comfortable with.
Everyone’s first question with braces is “How long will I be wearing braces?” This depends on your individual case. While the average treatment is two years (24 months), Milestone Orthodontics will evaluate each individual and give their expert advice. Although two years in braces may seem like a long time, it will go by faster than you realize.
How to Get Started
If you’re ready to take the first step toward your perfect smile, the team at Milestone Orthodontics is here to help. To find out more about treatment with braces in the Caldwell, NJ area, or to schedule your initial consultation, don’t hesitate to contact Milestone Orthodontics today!